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BTH100 Introduction to the Bible

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Last updated 2022-01-10


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BTH100 Introduction to the Bible – 4 Credits

Course Description:

This course traces the history of the Bible and includes discussions of inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the inspiration of the Bible
  • Understand the canonization of the Bible
  • Understand the transmission of the Bible
  • Understand the translation of the Bible

Course Requirements

A. Technical Requirements

  • Download and install a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. We suggest Firefox or Google Chrome.
  • The E-learning system performs better with Firefox or Google Chrome browsers.B. Academic Requirements
    • Lessons (25%): Complete all the lessons
    • Quizzes (25%): Complete all the quizzes.
    • Final exam (30%).
    • Term paper (20%)
      • Write a 3 – 5 page paper on the “King James Version ( KJV) only” question. Explain what the KJV debate is all about. Review the arguments of the different sides of the debate. State, and argue your position.

    C. Grading Scale

    • A = 94-100 Excellent
    • B = 84 – 93 Above Average
    • C = 74 – 83 Average
    • D = 64 – 73 Below Average
    • F = 63 & Below Failure

Required Textbook:

Note: If you choose to purchase from a different bookstore or a used book, please make sure the ISBN number is the same


Lightfoot, N. R. (2010). How we got the bible. Grand Rapids, Mich: BakerBooks.

ISBN: 978-0801072611

  How We Got the Bible      



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