The nature and principles of biblical counseling, techniques and theories of counseling; patterns of problem solving, the counselor and counselee relationship; the sufficiency of Scripture; and biblical conflict resolution.
- BITH590 Introduction to Biblical Counseling
Course Description:
The nature and principles of biblical counseling as opposed to humanistic approaches; techniques and theories of counseling; patterns of problem solving; the counselor and counselee relationship; the sufficiency of Scripture.
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- The student will be able to define Biblical Counseling.
- The student will be able to delineate the presuppositional nature of Biblical Counseling.
- The student will be able to differentiate Biblical Counseling from secular counseling and a Christian integrationist perspective.
- The student will be able to articulate a Biblical methodology enabling her/him to conduct responsible counseling.
Course Requirements
A. Technical Requirements
- Download and install a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. We suggest Firefox or Google Chrome.
- The E-learning system performs better with Firefox or Google Chrome browsers.
B. Academic Requirements
- Lessons (25%): Complete the weekly lessons
- Final exam (25%).
- Paper 1- (25%): Write a 8- to 10-page paper on the topic of biblical counseling. Analyze, summarize, and evaluate Jay Adams’s theology of Christian counseling. Your evaluation should be grounded on the Word of God. DUE week 2
- Paper 2 – (25%): Write a 8- to 10-page paper on the topic of spiritual transformation. How God trnsform lives. Analyze, summarize, and evaluate Jay Adams’s Four-Step Biblical Process for change.
Your evaluation should be grounded on the Word of God. DUE week 4
C. Grading Scale
A = 94-100 Excellent
B = 84 – 93 Above Average
C = 74 – 83 Average
D = 64 – 73 Below Average
F = 63 & Below Failure
Required Textbooks
A Theology of Christian Counseling, More Than Redemption BY: Jay E. Adams ISBN-13: 978-0310511014 | How To Help People Change, The Four-Step Biblical Process Jay E. Adams ISBN-13: 978-0310511816 |


How to Help People Change